Max The Tape Recorder's First Album
Techno to classical, pop/rock to progressive
Sometimes beautiful, sometimes weird
Max The Tape Recorder
- Background noise (Preview)
- Segments - 1- Star waves (Preview)
- Astro Radio-Sonic City
- Doodles - A- Fire B- Rain
- Segments - 2- Rehearsal room
- Kawaii!!
- Imminent war phone jitters
- Segments - 3- lol!
- The noise in my head (do you hear it?)
- Segments - 4- In the morning...
- Réminiscence
- Lime city
- Dressing-up dolls (Preview)
- Outside show
- Segments - 5- Wa d'you scared of?...
- Mouvement perpétuel
Cover art by Valérie Côté.
You can listen to the album on Bandcamp.
© 2006 Max Songs Club